photograph © anne mcclintock



Anne McClintock & Ryo Morimoto
Princeton University

Projected Opening: Earth Day, April 22, 2024

Funded by a generous Humanities Council Magic Grant, as well as the HMEI Global Environmental Justice fund, we are planning a three day, immersive, multi-media event called Fluid Futures: Coming to Our Senses.

•  Coming to Our Senses is envisioned as a multi-media constellation of immersive, themed events to make sensorily and imaginatively tangible the established but often concealed circuits that connect water-related issues such as melting ice, rising oceans, flooding and mass displacements with militarization, climate change, and environmental harm.

•  Collectively, events, exhibitions, films, speaking events and other genres will include visual, sonic, tactile, audio, and oral media to invite ways of coming to our senses and illuminate climate change in a global, militarized world

•  A two-day water-themed film series will be curated by Kim Dorman and Susan Conlin, curators of the annual Princeton Environmental Film Festival

• Across 2 1/2 days, Fluid Futures: Coming to Our Senses will include themed events and installations: short videos, films, virtual reality, animation, projection, sonic installations, and creative video games, as well as two round-table panels and adjacent exhibitions.



Anyone who wishes to contribute or has queries, please contact:

Anne McClintock
A. Barton Hepburn Professor
High Meadows Environmental Institute
Princeton University

Ryo Morimoto
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
HMEI Associated Faculty
Princeton University